Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All Adds Up

No plumber. Truck wouldn't start. D was not too impressed. Rescheduled for today. Good thing was the city did come out to identify where the water shut off was and tested it. Now we know it won't interfere with any future driveway replacement plans.

One of our windows has developed a crack in the glass. I hate losing a pane of original glass but we have been told the replacement is "pretty simple" (famous last words..). Probably won't get around to fixing it before our holidays.

End of year spreadsheet balancing always starts off fine and then all hell breaks loose. Extra expenses crop out of nowhere and I cannot even blame it on buying presents as we don't have gift exchange in our family.

I'm scrambling to figure out why now? D needed a new winter coat. His down jacket leaks the equivalent to one duck's worth of feathers with each wearing. We scored a great down North Face jacket at a really good price because it was last year's style (who cares?).

I put in a vitamin re-order. We have a few medical appointments what won't get reimbursed until later. We have gone out for a couple extra meals. It all adds up and it messes with my neat spreadsheet.

It would be easier if I didn't have every penny accounted for but the temptation for mindless spending is higher when all I see is an account with money in it.


  1. I have a friend who is now 97 and when she volunteered for my office from 1983-1997 she told me that she tracked every penny since she got married. Once at her house she pulled out ALL of her spreadsheets to show me that she indeed kept track of every cent. This was very impressive and her net worth in her 80's was an obvious testament to her method of budgeting/saving.

  2. Hi Julie!

    That's an amazing statistic! I only keep the few years on file, which doesn't rate compared to your friend's diligence. I admire her dedication.
